It was produced only about 1680 pieces of knives UTON 0002 series. UTON 0002 is most commonly seen with the sheath, which has small iron rivets and two pads. You can see unused UTON 0002 in the pictures.
“Classic” UTON 0002 has a false blade, the same as a series 0001 and it is sharpened more to handle than the later series of 0003 to 0007. We managed to find an interesting piece of UTON 0002, which has sharpened false edge the same as a series of 0003 to 0007. You can see the difference in the pictures. It is marked by the arrow. UTON, sharpened in this manner, is most likely the exception and the first piece of a 0002 series, with whom we come across (it is marked with letter B in this pictures).
2009 - 2025
Veškeré kopírování obsahu bez svolení autora zakázáno
Redesign v roce 2011 vytvořil Martin Trtílek