UTON vz. 75 - Gift Version

UTON 71st Mechanised Battalion

This is gift version of UTON for 71st mechanized battalion in Hranice. It is limited edition of only 20 pieces! On the right side of the blade is etched by laser sign of former battalion emblem and current battalion emblem and serial number from the series (1-20). On the left side of the blade is fired Hodonín – Hranice, 1994-2009, 71st mechanized battalion “Siberian.” The sheath is embossed on the front side of the current emblem of the battalion and from the back is embossed the number of knife on slide for waistbelt. To the knife comes certificate in red folder wtigh symbols of battalion. The certificate confirms that the knife is part of limited edition memorial utons and is signed by the commander of the 71st mechanized battalion and by the president of the Association officers and sergeants of the AČR branch Hranice. This UTON dates from the first of October 2009, when was the 15-year anniversary of the 71st mechanized battalion.



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Redesign v roce 2011 vytvořil Martin Trtílek