Offensive knife type 75 was stated to ČSLA as personal weapon for single. It was stated for recon, paratroopers and air forces to defence and to silent killing of enemy. Paratroopers and air forces were using uton for the purpose of repair of defect parachute throughout drops and uton was situated on reserved parachute on tummy of paratrooper. UTON was delivered in paper box and packed up to 10 pieces together with hone.
Its production started probably in 1973. There are known the first information from these years. It concerns prints on produced drawings of knife and equipment. This knife used to replace belated knife VO-7. Development was provided by worker of research institute 010 Slavičín together with producer of knives Mikov. On 15th of December in 1976 were confirmed technical conditions TP-VD-648-76 for producing and acceptance of offensive knife type 75. Technical conditions determined, that blade is producing from stainless steel 17029 and heat-modified by technology MARTFROST (this means deep chill of blade to hardening) to surface hardness 50-58 HRC. Blade was sharpened to surface roughness from 0,2 to 0,8 Ra. This was due to reduction the rise of reflection. Blade is single-point with central point. The spine of blade is adversely grooved to its one-half and then it is sharpened to false edge. The crosswise grooving is instrumental as prop for thumb.
Four-figure number was stamped on the blade by the years and that meant the series and the procedure.
0001 – Manufacturing series, it is still not comply with full extensity of technical conditions. Blade was wrought under heat. It were manufactured about 500 pieces.
0002 – Blade was manufactured by cutting of complete materials; it was worked just by grinding after hardening and leveling under cold. It was manufactured 1680 pieces.
0003 – Blade was manufactured by cutting of complete materials, works by grinding and blues were iced by air inside leveling preparation. It was manufactured 4500 pieces.
0004 a other series are complying with final technology during the making of blades – forged piece.
The numbers of series 0001 – 0004 were driven on the rigth side of blade by root of blade and the numbers 0004 – 0007 were driven on the left side of blade by the spine of blade.
Grip was made from rubber marked as 137.21. and after that it was stamping to the blade of knife by GUMOKOV in Hradec Králové. Before the stamping of the grip there were riveted two laminas on the blade in order to reinforcement of back side behalf insertion file and saw. The grip was roughened from its side by grate of grooves. On the back side of the grip is one grove, which is meant for insertion file and saw and on side on the end of the grip is a slot 0,236 inch in order to insert safety brazen tenon of file and saw. This equipment were developed by workers with company AJAX Jihlava. In order to producing of file and saw was specified steel 14180 and hardness active surface of file was 56-60 HRC and 45-54 HRC of saw. Paracord was made from silon and it had diameter of 2,5mm and length 2 m.
Sheaths for uton were made from beef skin by company KOZAP and those were innovated gradually by supersession of bigger rivet by reason of pull-out of that smaller. The sheath has pouches from the front for the insertion of file and saw and pouch for insertion of safety twine from the back. There are two steel strips inside the sheath. These strips head dropping out of knife off. Sheaths for uton were stamped by acceptance marks of army inside of hitch for belt. It looks this way:
K6 knives 78 – mark of army and the year of acceptance
OTK 3 – abbreviation Oddělení Technické Kontroly (Section of Technical Control)
Series 2
Pictures are HERE
Knives UTON had to pass the hard testing and these are examples of them:
Test of blade flexibility: knife blade had to stand flection to both side far 5 extents.
Test of knife edge: blade had to cut by one cutting string of parachute, which was 2 m long and weighted 2kg
Test of file: file had to file throught rough wire mesh to diameter 3mm
Test of saw: saw had to saw throught prism 30 x 30 mm dry and wet wood.
Test of screwdriver: srewdriver on the end of file had to stand gyroscopic moment 8Nm in both turning way.
Test of twine: twine had to stand in pull force 100 N and drop of weight from 0,5 m.
Test of corroding process: knife as well as equipment had to stand pull of sulphuric acid steams.
Test of grip from blade constriction: grip had to stand force minimally 1000 N.
Knife with sheat: | 270 mm |
Length knife: | 248 mm |
Length blade: | 140 mm |
Width blade: | 25 mm |
Thickness blade: | 3,7 mm |
Steel: | ČSN 17029 |
Weight knife: | 200 g |
Weight with Sheat: | 380 g |
Length paracord: | 2000 mm |
Length file: | 130 mm |
Thickness file: | 13 mm |
Weight file: | 35 g |
Weight saw: | 30 g |
Source: Střelecká revue, knowing anad experience of these knives collectors.
2009 - 2025
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Redesign v roce 2011 vytvořil Martin Trtílek